26. September 2021
The main benefits of using the discount agreement solution within SAP ECC are below. Due to the benefits mentioned below, almost all customers who have implemented SAP make extensive use of this feature. How to get lists of agreements I address, as well as their status on a screen. Vishal, if you have had little contact with work with discounts, I suggest you read the sap documentation available, as it is a bit complex depending on the scenario we are talking about. However, I worked on a retail box and worked with discounts set up by suppliers/customers. If you are working on SAP standard discounts, follow the recommendations given to you. Also take a look at the SAP note 410579 FAQ: Remises.Si discounts have been set up after the sales deposits, you need to proceed with the update a posteriori of the business volumes. You can read sap note 73214 – Subseq.settl.:Retrospec.compltn/recompltnof busin.vol.data and for SAP documentation „Retrospec.settl.:Retrospec.compltnof busin.vol.data and for SAP documentation „Retrospec.sq. The main feature of this type of discount is that it is paid retroactively. The amount of the discount offered by discount agreements is determined on the basis of the customer`s sales volume over a specified period.
Discount agreements to SAP are set out in the VBO1 transaction. You define the customer who receives the discount, the criteria on which the discount is based and the validity of the discount. Create new discount agreements in the VB01 transaction As part of the discount contract, several sets of conditions are put in place for each material or group of materials purchased by a customer. Each registration may indicate the amount of the rebate either as a percentage or as a fixed value. In addition, condition records can use rates, which allows the customer to earn more discounts by purchasing more products. Discount agreements are indicated in the header of the billing slips (in the area of price data) and allow SAP to track the business volume of a given customer. Depending on the configuration of SAP, it is possible to automatically account for provisions at the same time as de facto invoices, so that the cumulative amount of the discount is recorded in the accounting.. . . .