Consent Or Agreement

In addition, the Latin meaning refers to two dimensions of meaning: the sense of sensation, perception or sensation on the one hand, and meaning as meaning, thought or knowledge on the other. The thought of consent in relation to the double meaning of Sense highlights the tension between what we feel or perceive (the physical experience of sex) and what we see there (the meaning of sex). Human experience consists of both senses; And both are at stake in „non-consensual sex.“ If sex is not only an activity, but also a sensible form of communication, it is similar to a conversation. As such, it is the responsibility to take care of the interlocutor`s answers. The consideration of consent as similar to a common conversation or journey – which implies careful thoughtful responsibility – pushes it away from the liberal framework of the treaty and places it at the centre of reaction politics and critical affective politics. The challenge, therefore, is to articulate an alternative notion of consent that takes us beyond treaty theory. Going back to the Latin roots of the word, we can imagine an alternative to the contractual version of consent, which is at the heart of both the policy of positive approval and non-consensual sexual intercourse. Consent comes from the Latin con (together, with) and sentire (feeling). It means a concordance of feelings. In contemporary conceptions of sex and approval, this concordance of feelings has been reduced to an agreement to do something, or more precisely to allow you to hurt yourself. With regard to affirmative consent to sex, it has been interpreted as a kind of contract framed by classical conceptions of individual autonomy that do not take into account sexist power dynamics, let alone the dynamics of sexual activities. But in Latin, the feeling can mean not only feelings, as in emotion or faith, but also feelings as in perception or knowledge.

In addition, the root of sentie, sentio, is walking, walking, walking, as in a path, path or journey related to thought in some languages like German and Lithuanian. Consent is therefore being sensitive to one another, feeling and perceiving the adhesion of the other. Thus, approval could be reinterpreted as a journey reflected together, „with thought“ or thought with as much as with emotion or feeling. Types of consent include implied consent, express consent, informed consent and unanimous consent. Consent as understood in some contexts may differ from its day-to-day meaning. For example, a person suffering from a mental disorder, a low mental age or a legal age of sexual consent may voluntarily perform a sexual act that still does not meet the legal threshold of consent in accordance with the legislation in force. UN agencies and initiatives in sex education programmes believe that teaching consent as part of comprehensive sexuality education is beneficial. Approval of a contract or contractual element. consent or acceptance of a condition or consent to do something; An essential element of contract law is that a contract is entered into voluntarily and all parties agree to its terms.

Contracts, as they operate in law, must come from people who freely choose self-hoeing agreements. The law starts from the formal autonomy, equality and freedom of all individuals. But as we know, these formal principles cannot explain the dependency, inequality and oppression that are inseparable from our lived experience. Therefore, while contracts may require consent as a prerequisite for their legal effectiveness, consent cannot be reduced to a contractual form. The remedy may be used in the interpretation of the terms of the decision and decision, and no agreement, agreement, representation or interpretation not contained in the decision and the consent order or agreement may be used to modify or contradict the terms of the decision and decision. correspondence in parts, qualities or transactions; approval; harmony; Coherence. We could call this Grey`s 50 shades version of approval, where we`re obsessed with approval as a contract, while valuing lack of consent as sexy. . .


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