28. September 2021
As stated in point 3, you retain full ownership of your contributions, but we need a license from you so that our management of your contributions is not contrary to applicable law, including copyright. This means that by providing a contribution to the Services, you grant us a license to display, implement and distribute your Contributions, as well as to modify and reproduce such Contributions, so that we can provide the Services. Please note that we may need to modify your messages to meet technical display requirements on your computer or mobile device. Contracts and murals Guidelines for artists to follow when negotiating the contract. When you invite users to edit, you can access all item previews, add content to a wall image, edit content in the mural, and even delete the content in the mural. The activity is recorded and displayed in the activity feed. Users can also copy and paste content into another wall image. 3.5 Data maintenance and backup procedures. MURAL follows its procedures for archiving customer content, as outlined in the Service Level Agreement described in Appendix A. In the event of loss or damage to the customer`s content, MURAL makes its economically reasonable efforts to restore the lost or damaged content of the last backup of this customer content managed by MURAL. MURAL is not responsible for the loss, destruction, modification, unauthorized disclosure or deterioration of customer content caused by third parties.
If you have any doubts about the additions we have made, please contact compliance@mural.co and provide a detailed explanation of this. There are different types of accounts. Details and prices for all account types are available under www.mural.co/pricing. Regardless of how you decide to use this website, your behaviour on this website is subject to this agreement, the terms of the MURAL Privacy Policy (www.mural.co/terms/privacy-policy) and the MURAL DMCA Communication (www.mural.co/copyright-infringement-notification). Customers are external stakeholders, partners or customers of customers. New people from an external area of the company invited to a room or mural become guests. Clients stay in the work area for as long as an administrator wants. Customers have important collaboration rights in the workspace, but they do not have access to all the collaboration rights that members have. The participation rights of the guests are described mural.co/guests. Quarterly Engagement Review is a review of customer usage metrics, conducted in good faith by customer and MURAL at the end of each subscription quarter, to determine the number of subscriptions required for the remainder of the subscription term. If the number of subscriptions required for the next billing cycle/the remainder of the subscription term exceeds the number of licensed subscriptions, subscriptions will be subject to True-up membership. These Terms remain in full force and effect while you use the Services.
You may terminate your use or participation at any time and for any reason by using the „Deactivate Account“ option in the Application or by contacting us at the following address: support@mural.co. After terminating your service account for any reason, we will close your account and, in most cases, we will give you 30 days by notification to your registered email address to retrieve the documents contained in the account…