Pspice License Agreement

OrCAD® products can be licensed and linked to a portable physical device, a connected Ethernet/MAC address, or a virtual machine environment. ARTICLE 5 – DURATION OF THE CONTRACT ・ The duration of the contract begins when the customer downloads SPICE MODEL and ends if the customer stops using SPICE MODEL. ARTICLE 2 – SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT ・THE SPICE MODEL MAY BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW ITS USE WITH CERTAIN APPLICATIONS; However, all rights to the modified model and any derivatives are returned to Torex. ・A license to use SPICE MODEL is granted to the customer on the condition that the customer meets the conditions of this agreement. ARTICLE 3 – PROHIBITED ACTS ・ Acts such as the sale, loan, retransmission and granting of a license for a version of SPICE MODEL, fully or partially modified by the customer to third parties, are prohibited. ・The creation of copies of a version of SPICE MODEL, fully or partially modified by the customer, is prohibited. The customer who uses SPICE MODEL must download SPICE MODEL directly. Contact your local partner to learn more about all of our licensing options or, if you need help with licensing, check out our licensing/installation page. PSpice technology has been supporting the student community for years and helping them achieve academic and professional success. To help students learn, we offer a free version of PSpice through the OrCAD Academic Program. The academic version is a complete suite that contains the capture and PSpice tools to help students in the lab and in their course work. Contact us to speak to a sales or technical representative of a partner OrCAD offers you a selection of licensing and locking mechanisms that best meet your tool usage requirements. Whether you are at school, in a small design team or in a multinational; Choosing the right licensing and locking mechanism is an important step in optimizing the use of OrCAD products.

ARTICLE 1 – DEFINITIONs Spice MODEL in this agreement is a product model that can be used in the OrCAD system environment of Cadence Design Systems Inc. Cadence will fully cooperate with law enforcement and legal proceedings that require Cadence to reveal the identity of persons who have violated one or more of these Community Rules. PSpice® electronic simulation software provides engineering students with the knowledge of the most modern tools to help them achieve academic and future professional success. . This page offers you free SPICE templates downloads for OrCAD® PSpice®…

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