16. Dezember 2020
For the costs listed below, [Maintenance Company] will periodically check the devices listed in this device plan and keep them in good working order. The inspection and maintenance of the equipment depends on the type of equipment and is defined in the equipment plan. This software maintenance contract constitutes the entire contract for the services listed here and replaces all previous agreements concluded either in writing or orally. PandaTip: The termination clause in this software maintenance contract model documents all reasons for termination as well as any termination requested by any of the parties participating in this software maintenance contract. Any software that will be replaced during the duration of this contract includes all warranties and agreements, including the purchase of this software. Unless an equipment plan is made otherwise, all customer maintenance contracts must be paid in advance for each maintenance period. PandaTip: This model describes the extent of the software maintenance services offered, the terms of these services and all the additional conditions associated with your contract with the customer. For example, if you are a software maintenance agency, you can continue to use it by changing it as a software maintenance model. Note that you don`t need programming knowledge. All notifications regarding this software maintenance agreement are made in writing and are sent to the responding party either by person, e-mail or email, to the following addresses. The owner of the software may request, at his sole discretion, a cost report and a price comparison for all the materials necessary for this software maintenance contract. PandaTip: The price table in the above model must be completed to reflect any storage, expense or other expected costs associated with this software maintenance contract. The service provider has access to all necessary impressions as well as documentation of software that may be error-in error when this agreement is reached.
During the period during which such an arbitration procedure takes place, both parties will continue to abide by all agreements under these software maintenance contracts and will perform all assigned tasks. In the event that one of the parties to this agreement, during the duration of this agreement, constitutes an offence because of uncontrollable circumstances, including, but not limited to, floods, hurricane, theft, terrorism, earthquakes or other acts of God, the party must inform the remaining part of this offence and will have a maximum of 30 days to remedy this offence before further action can be taken. B. All materials made available during maintenance-specific services are subject to this material-specific warranty. This agreement does not justify the materials. No access is granted to the arbitrator to amend or modify the agreement in any way. A. The fees listed above are non-refundable, even if you decide to cancel the maintenance dates. If new software errors are detected, the same consideration will be taken into consideration and the service provider will have access to the necessary access to comply with this contract.